As the name implies this is the room for you to be a kid, play a like kid or just plain let the kid run rampant in you =)
Unforturnately I don't have enough space to put up games, nor do I really have any to put up either. However I can send you to some fun places that I have found =) a fun place to pay many differnt games either alone or against others as well. They have solitare, crossword puzzles and other games that you can play agianst others for prizes =)
Bingo: for all those who secretly suffer from this obsession as i do here you go and you can win money and prizes as well, YeeHaw =)
The Station @ College Jeopardy: well this looks interesting, somthing to test teh old grey matter on and compete for prizes against your peers =) Sign me up!
Baptism of Stains- Purified by the pain: for my fellow spooks, look under "Obsessional Neurosis" for the most incredible trivia about Marilyn Manson you could ever find =)
I welcome any and all links to places that you all may have =) So if you know of any places that you like to go then drop me a line so i can add the link and publically thank you =)
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